Augment and validate your fundamental research with Thematic company analysis

Secure, institutional quality, built for professionals

Al-enabled company analysis relative to industry comps, based off of company documents, filings, news, earnings report calls, financial statements, and stock performance.

Deeper, customized analysis

Go deep and get your questions about any company answered. Our AI searches for relevant terms and concepts, with links to sources conveniently provided for follow-up and validation.

Peer group comps and automatic updates

Comparative analysis at-a-glance with instant comparisons between the company you're researching and its peers.

Make more of your research

All company fundamental analyses are integrated into Thematic's portfolio and index capabilities for fast development into investment-grade asset management products.

Give your research teams the advantage.

Go further with customizable evaluation criteria and proprietary data sets available for Business and Enterprise tiers.

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Jumpstart your research.